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Escort Live Radar

ESCORT Live is an innovative radar and laser ticket protection community that provides drivers with real-time alerts about Traffic enforcement. By joining this community, drivers can share information about speed traps, accidents, work zones, road hazards, detours, and traffic jams. The app also offers verified alerts from Defender®, the world's largest database of red light, speed, and mobile cameras. ESCORT Live can be integrated with compatible ESCORT and Beltronics products to control settings and display alert information. Additionally, the app includes various driving features such as Live Traffic, Car Finder, Get Directions, Day/Night Mode, and customizable vehicle icons.

Premium features, which require in-app purchase, include Radar Relay technology that allows radar detectors to automatically share alert information in real time, as well as displaying posted speed limits on both the app and connected detectors. There are two subscription options available - $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year. Users who purchase a compatible ESCORT or Beltronics product receive a free 1-year premium subscription.

The text also provides some interesting facts, such as radar detectors being legal in 49 states (exceptions on Virginia) and the number of drivers who receive speeding tickets in the United States each year. It also highlights the benefits of the ESCORT Live community and its combination with the Cobra iRadar Community, which has effectively doubled the number of users contributing radar/laser data and user reports.

ESCORT Live aims to help drivers "Drive Smarter" and stay safe on the road while avoiding tickets. It can be used with either ESCORT's detectors or as a standalone app on smartphones. Interested drivers are encouraged to visit to learn more and start using ESCORT Live today.

Where to download "Escort Live Radar"?

Apple AppStore

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