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What Story - Enjoy Love Novels
This text provides an overview of What Story, a premium reading community that offers a wide range of Novels in genres such as Romance and Juicy. It highlights the reasons why What Story is a great choice for fiction lovers, including abundant online ebooks and personalized reading recommendations. The text also mentions the various genres available on What Story, such as Adult Romance, Fantasy, LGBTQ+, Werewolf & Vampire, Billionaire, and Action and Adventure. It introduces the top picks section, which includes editor's picks, rankings, featured genres, selected genres, and trending tags. The text further describes the user-friendly reading experience on What Story, with options to personalize page-turning settings, adjust font sizes, and switch between Daytime Mode and Night Mode. It also mentions the option to join the exclusive author team and share one's own novel with millions of readers. The text concludes by featuring two hot original ebooks available on What Story, "Bitten" and "Psycho - Headless Horseman MC." It provides contact information for the What Story website, Facebook page, and email.