AppLink Apps
Crouton: Recipe Manager
Crouton is a feature-packed recipe organizer and meal planner. It supports importing recipes from various sources, such as websites and recipe books using OCR scanning technology. With Crouton, it is easy to plan meals for the week or even for the future, and it can automatically generate meal plans based on your dinner recipes.
One unique feature of Crouton is its step-by-step mode, which allows you to focus on one step at a time while cooking. You can tap on ingredients within each step to view the quantity, making it convenient to follow the recipe. It also offers a hands-free mode, perfect for when your hands are messy.
Crouton includes timers that can be started with a tap, and it detects times within recipes, keeping them in a visible display as you continue using the app. It also allows you to create grocery lists directly from your recipes, and integrates with Reminders for easy access.
All your recipes can be conveniently synced between all your devices using iCloud. You can also save your favorite recipe RSS feeds into Crouton to see new recipes as they are published. Furthermore, Crouton offers AI importing, allowing you to quickly import recipes from photos, plain text, and images, without the need for manual entry.
Crouton supports family sharing through iCloud, so you can easily share your recipes with friends and family. It also offers customization options, including custom icons and app colors.