AppLink Apps

Weight Lifting Workout Planner

This text is an abstract for an ad-free HD video exercise database app that offers hundreds of effective exercises for transforming and improving the body. The app is suitable for beginners and advanced users and includes features such as a categorized and alphabetized exercise database, HD videos with multiple angles, thousands of possible exercise variations, the ability to mark favorite exercises, and exercises for both home and Gym workouts. The app also provides free workout routines for beginners, categorized routines based on goals and experience level, detailed instructions for each exercise, a progress tracker with photo capabilities, a simple design for easy navigation, daily motivational and health tips, and an entirely ad-free experience. The subscription-based app also offers access to additional workout routines. The app covers exercises for the entire body, organized into categories such as full body, cardio, abs, back, biceps, butt, chest, legs, shoulders, and triceps. The subscription details and terms of use are provided, and contact information is given for customer support.

Where to download "Weight Lifting Workout Planner"?

Apple AppStore

App Keywords
