AppLink Apps
ThriftBooks: New & Used Books
The ThriftBooks app provides book lovers with a convenient way to search, browse, and purchase millions of new and used books, textbooks, and graphic Novels . Users can scan barcodes to compare prices and check availability, ensuring they get the best deals. The app also offers 10% off on over 150,000 items through ThriftBooks Deals and allows users to earn a free book for every 500 points they accumulate through ReadingRewards. Personalized recommendations based on interests are provided, and users can receive instant email notifications when items on their wish list become available. Core features include a barcode scanner, everyday deals, ReadingRewards, special formats like large print and audiobooks, and collectible books. The app covers a wide range of categories, from arts and music to self-help and young adult literature. A 100% satisfaction guarantee and free US shipping on orders over $15 in recyclable packaging are additional benefits.