AppLink Apps

Procare: Childcare App

Procare Solutions has been a leading provider of child care management and daycare software for over 30 years. Their goal is to help early childhood educators simplify operations and strengthen connections with families, allowing them to focus on the children in their care. With the user-friendly child care mobile app, Procare enables professional communication and real-time updates between parents and staff. Features include the ability to share child care activities, daily reports, photos, videos, and student milestones. Procare also offers contactless sign-in/out options, student attendance tracking, parent kiosk for easy drop-off and pick-up, staff timecard management, ratio tracking, incident reporting, billing management, calendar sharing, family communication, and integrated systems compatibility. Overall, Procare provides comprehensive tools for streamlining operations and enhancing the child care experience.

Where to download "Procare: Childcare App"?

Apple AppStore

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