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Likewise: Movie, TV, Book Recs

The Likewise app is designed to help users cut through the clutter and find personalized recommendations for books, shows, movies, and podcasts. With the assistance of Pix, an AI-powered personal entertainment companion, and real recommendations from real people, users can easily discover new favorites. Likewise learns the user's preferences and provides personalized recommendations on a daily basis. Additionally, users can ask Pix for instant recommendations and stay up to date with Likewise newsletters. The app also offers crowd-sourced recommendations, allowing users to connect with like-minded individuals and browse and share recommendations. Users can conveniently search across all their interests and streaming services, filter by genre and streaming service, and create Lists to keep track of their favorites. The app also provides a platform for users to provide feedback and stay in touch with the Likewise team.

Where to download "Likewise: Movie, TV, Book Recs"?

Apple AppStore

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