AppLink Apps
Coconut Baby: Pregnancy App
Coconut Baby is a Pregnancy tracker app that emphasizes the enjoyable aspects of expecting. It provides a weekly countdown to your baby's due date, showcasing size comparisons to help you visualize your baby's growth. Additionally, it offers fun facts about your baby's development.
Throughout the 41 weeks of pregnancy, the app allows you to track your baby's size relative to various objects. You can share this information with your friends and family, as well as take "Belly Selfies" with each week's object.
Moreover, the app provides interesting facts that can make you the center of attention at pub trivia nights. It offers size comparisons in categories such as fruits and vegetables from the farmer's market, sports-related objects, taboo items during pregnancy, junk food, animals, toys, car parts, trendy foods, music, sea creatures, and secret agent-related objects.
With Coconut Baby, you won't find any patronizing parenting advice, concerning medical information, or guilt-inducing pregnancy guidelines. Instead, the app aims to provide a moment of relaxation and enjoyment amidst the various tasks and concerns that come with being pregnant.
Please note that you can find the app's Terms of Service, including terms for in-App Purchases, by visiting this link: