AppLink Apps

Pregnancy Food Guide!

Congratulations on your Pregnancy ! This app aims to simplify food safety and good nutrition for pregnant women over the next nine months. It provides information on which types of fish have the lowest mercury levels, which cheeses to avoid, and what foods to be cautious of when dining out. With a traffic light food labeling system for almost 1000 food items, this app categorizes foods based on their potential risk to the unborn baby, providing a sense of security when evaluating unfamiliar foods.

The app includes a brief overview of common foodborne illnesses and a food search feature where users can easily see if a food is safe (green), conditionally safe (orange), or unsafe (red) for consumption during pregnancy. By using the filtered search option, users can customize food categories based on their individual circumstances. The app also offers advice on maintaining a balanced diet and guidelines for specific food categories.

Overall, this app aims to help pregnant women navigate food choices with confidence and ease, ensuring a relaxed and healthy pregnancy.

Where to download "Pregnancy Food Guide!"?

Apple AppStore

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