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Documents, File Manager app

The iDocuments app serves as a central hub for all files on your iPad and iPhone, offering a wide range of functionalities. It replaces multiple applications by providing a Document viewer, PDF reader, music and video player, file downloader, and cloud integrator all in one elegant app. With iDocuments, users can easily manage, share, and organize their files, as well as integrate with various cloud services such as iCloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive. Additionally, the app allows users to listen to music, read and edit PDFs, and convert files into PDF format.

The subscription version of iDocuments offers additional features and requires auto-renewal. Users can manage and cancel their subscriptions through their App Store account settings. For more information on privacy and terms of use, users can refer to the provided links. Overall, iDocuments is a versatile app that enhances the functionality of iOS devices and makes them well worth the price. Feel free to contact the developers for any further inquiries.

Where to download "Documents, File Manager app"?

Apple AppStore

App Keywords
