AppLink Apps

Klara – Patient communication

Klara is a secure messaging and telemedicine solution that allows healthcare teams across multiple specialties to connect and care for their patients. This platform provides convenience and accessibility to patients, eliminating the need for logins, passwords, or downloads. By using Klara, practices can improve efficiency and offer the convenient experience that patients demand.

For providers, Klara offers various features including secure messaging and video visits to provide excellent care regardless of location. It enables direct communication with patients, team members, and external providers. All communication, including messages, documents, photos, and eForms, is secure and HIPAA-compliant. Klara also centralizes the management of texts, voicemails, and website messages, allowing for quick responses and message assignments to colleagues. Additionally, it offers automation for routine patient outreach, such as reminders and follow-ups.

Patients can download the Klara app or access it through the website to connect with their healthcare providers using secure messaging and video visits. It is important to note that healthcare providers must use Klara for patients to utilize this app. Patients are encouraged to ask their healthcare providers to sign up for Klara to benefit from its features.

Where to download "Klara – Patient communication"?

Apple AppStore

App Keywords
