AppLink Apps

Kobo Books

The Kobo App allows readers to access millions of eBooks and audiobooks all in one place. With over 6 million titles to choose from, readers can find something for every preference. Purchased eBooks and audiobooks from Kobo will automatically appear in the app. The app offers customizable reading options, including different text sizes and styles, as well as a Night Mode for easier reading before bed. The app also features an easy-to-use audiobook player with features like the ability to see how much time is left and the option to schedule it to turn off after a set amount of time. The app allows users to read thousands of free eBook previews and listen to audiobook samples to help discover new favorites. It also supports seamless reading across multiple devices, so users can start reading on one device and pick up where they left off on another. Users can share their reading experiences on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as rate and review books. The app is available in multiple languages and even supports audiobook playback through CarPlay.

Where to download "Kobo Books"?

Apple AppStore

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