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Idioms and Slang Dictionary

The Idioms and Slang Dictionary by Farlex provides definitions and examples from reputable sources like McGraw-Hill and Houghton Mifflin for over 61,000 terms, including idioms, slang terms, verbal phrases, abbreviations, proverbs, clichés, regionalisms, colloquialisms, expressions, sayings, and more. This comprehensive dictionary allows users to search by keyword or full phrase, view multiple example sentences, and learn the history behind each idiom. The app also features native voice search, audio pronunciations, bookmarks, recent searches, search suggestions, advanced search options, and the ability to share favorite phrases via social networks, email, and text. The dictionary is user-friendly, authoritative, and available for free, with no subscriptions required. This resource is suitable for new English speakers, as well as anyone curious about the English language. Download the app for free and gain instant access to exclusive content. The Idioms and Slang Dictionary is a product of - Farlex, known for their trusted and comprehensive dictionary apps.

Where to download "Idioms and Slang Dictionary"?

Apple AppStore

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