AppLink Apps

Birth Light Astronomy

Birth Light is a backyard Astronomy app that allows users to see back in time by observing the stars. By looking at specific stars at the right time, users can see how they appeared on the day of their birth. The app features a catalog of over 5000 stars, including all naked-eye-visible stars within a thousand light-years of Earth. It utilizes the user's location to determine which stars are visible and their rising and setting times. The app also offers an augmented-reality mode, which indicates the exact location in the sky to look for the user's birth star. Users can enter their birthday or any desired date to access a list of stars entering their light cone. Basic information about each star, along with a scrollable diagram displaying its rise and set times, can be accessed by tapping on the star. Additionally, the app requires GPS for accurate location data.

Where to download "Birth Light Astronomy"?

Apple AppStore

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