AppLink Apps

Seneca Women

The Seneca Women app is a comprehensive platform that offers daily inspiration and insights from women leaders, a directory of audio content from the Seneca Women Podcast Network, a marketplace featuring women-owned businesses, and opportunities to participate in women-focused events and activities. It is designed to empower women in the economy and globally by providing them with essential tools, resources, and networks.

Based on the popular book "Fast Forward: How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose," the Seneca Women app offers practical lessons from women leaders and experts. Users can access inspiring and actionable podcast programs, women-focused news, impactful non-profits, recent research, and engage in polls on current topics affecting women.

The app is spearheaded by Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Kim Azzarelli, and Commissioner Sharon Bowen and aims to build a community of like-minded women who strive for success and meaning, while also contributing to a better world.

Where to download "Seneca Women"?

Apple AppStore

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